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Manager of a (formerly) modest building and development company located in southern NJ. Having many possibly interesting, somewhat irreverent thoughts about the economy, real estate, construction, people in general and other assorted nonsense, I have been trying to blog more often. I am interested in any comments, questions or thoughts on these subjects or others that you might have.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Payments until 2010, the Election and What's Happening in the World

Hello out there in BlogLand...;)

Weather generally crappy this week, but brightening Sunday for our Football Stadium Tailgate Party at Visions at the Shore...I know the change of seasons is supposed to be nice, but when it's dark at 5 pm, and you can feel the winter coming, I think how happy the people must be in San Diego, where it is 85 degrees all year.....just perfect except for the earthquake issue...;)

Thought for the Day, "The faintest pencil is better than the sharpest memory." Ben Franklin.

So true - if you don't write it down, it never happened, and you will probably forget it. Write your thoughts, ideas, plans, to-do items, and chores down on a list and cross them off as you finish them.

(FoxBuilder Confession: Since White-Out came out with the tape in the dispenser, I have become addicted to the neat, clean lines, instead of the harsh crossed off items on my lists. Neurotic to be sure, but I am comfortable with my neurosis, and they are mine after

On to matters near and dear to our hearts...the economy, and more particularly the real estate market.

I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT A FUNDAMENTALLY GOOD TIME IT IS TO BUY REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW!!! Seems that our recent, diligent descent into communism hasn't been without it's murky benefits...believe it or not the commercial banks across the country have come to realize that if they want to keep borrowing money at the incredible rate of 1% from the Fed (incidentally, this rate is actually a negative real interest rate, since inflation is about 2% - a very odd, unsustainable situation) they're supposed to actually lend it back out to folks like you and I, and not just use it to make their balance sheets look pretty.

Perfectly simple reasoning for anyone working for a living but apparently difficult for the Big Brains to comprehend...but there have been definite signs recently that the retail credit markets are loosening up.

With interest rates as low as they have been since WWII, unemployment at 6.4% (historically near the low end of the scale - remember, folks, that means 93.6% of the people who want to be working are doing so), really low inflation (1.9% - remember the 13%, 14% 1970's anyone?), and incredibly low real asset values, Foxmoor is actively seeking property for acquisition and development, and retail homebuyers have been moving back into the market. I haven't seen values like this in a decade - as long as you keep the TV off, and don't listen to anyone telling you how the sky is falling, it is a buyer's market! Smart Buyers know that...

Anyway. in other news, Foxmoor Homes and Visions at the Shore are rolling out a No Payments until 2010! program across the entire Atlantic County area, over 5 different developments. If preliminary indications are telling, we have a real winner of a structure that helps people sell their old homes, and not worry about a mortgage payment until 2010. We're getting a great response and anticipate the first 7 available homes will be sold within the next several weeks!!

It turns out that the idea of adding $100 a month to your mortgage payment, and saving $18,000 - $20,000 over the next year, seems too much to pass up. We will see in the next few days.

Finally, we are having a Football Stadium Tailgate Party this Sunday with food, music, furnished models, and you are all invited...12:30 - 3 this Sunday in the Shoreview (Penthouse) model in the Atlantic City building. Only 3 homes left in that building - Welcome Lois Sanders!!!! First person to move into the Atlantic City Building and a great lady. Yeah!. Call 609 646 7791 for Colleen.

Stay positive - it's getting better.

Take care everyone...

Fox Builder